7 Tips for Removing Floor and Wall Tiles without Damaging Them

There are times when you might want to remove your existing flooring or walling - for example, for a remodel. Tiles once removed cannot be used again in any construction project.

But they can certainly be used for creating no-traffic interior designs or decorative items. Here, no traffic interior designs and decorative items connotes – table tops, vase walling, etc.

However, if you want to use those tiles again, you will need to ensure two things –

  1. Their back should be utterly flat or level.
  2. Cutting those tiles for perfect fitting will be required.

If you can work on these two points, here are a few useful tips for removing floor and wall tiles without breaking them.

  1. Determine the area on floor or wall, from where the tiles have to removed.
  2. The first thing you will need to do is to remove the grout. Grout hardens over time and turns as solid as rock. So, be careful while removing the grout. Use a grout saw or grout cutter to scrape and take out the grout from the tiled surface.
  3. Cut the grout with gentle hand motions initially. After that, you can apply pressure to cut through grout.
  4. Once the grout has been removed, it is time to remove tiles. And there are high chances that the first tile will get damaged in process.
  5. Put a thick knife or flat edged chisel at an angle that it reaches underneath the tile from side. Now, use a rubber hammer to take the knife further under the tile.
  6. Insert the knife the same way from other angles as well. Do it slowly to avoid damaging the tile. This will loosen the grip of tile from the subfloor. You can pick it with hands or using a suction cup.
  7. Remove rest of the tiles the same way.

Remember, this is going to be a time-consuming job, and you will need accomplish it patiently.

This blog has been brought to you by WallAndTile.com, one of the largest tile shops in US.
