4 Different Types of Underlayment for Tile Project

You need a solid, stable, smooth, and perfectly level subfloor to install stones and tiles. But to increase the performance of your tile floor, experts recommend you should use a suitable quality underlayment.

Underlayment is a sheet or membrane that you place between subfloor and tile during tile installation. This helps ensure better bonding between subfloor and tiles, apart from adding desirable features to your space such as better insulation, noise cancellation, and improved waterproofing.

In this blog, we talk about different types of underlayment you can consider using for your next tile project. Check out the following subsections –

Sheets or Boards –

This is the most commonly available underlayment, which comes in form of sheet or board. A layer of sheet or board is fixed on wood or plywood subfloor. This type of underlayment is called cement board or rock fiber. It gives tiles a solid and stable base.

Uncoupling Membrane –

This underlayment material gets its name from the way it functions; technically, it un-couples the subfloor from the tiles. This way, it helps avoid the cracking of your precious stone and porcelain tiles.

Peel and Stick Underlayment Membrane –

Peel and stick membrane helps prevent cracking of tiles. The best part of using this underlayment material is, it is super easy to install. If you are short on time, you can consider peel and stick membrane for your project.

Liquid –

There is another easy to use underlayment option, and this is called liquid membrane. It can be applied directly on the subfloor with the help of a paint brush or a roller. However, you should wait for at least five to six hours before tile installation.

This informative blog has been brought to you by WallAndTile.com, one of the largest tile shops in US.

