Can I Install Cement Backer Board On Existing Concrete Floor?

Use of cement backer board in tile projects has caught pace in recent. That’s mainly because of the conveniences and advances the cement backer board offers.

Typically, it is installed as an underlayment beneath the layer of tiles. It is between subfloor and tiles. The boards are tightly screwed on the substrate. There are many who ask whether the board can be placed directly on the old concrete floor, or should they create a fresh subfloor to get started.


Yes, you can. But the precise answer for your project will depend on a number of factors including the height of the floor in respect of doors and windows in your room and of course, the quality of your existing concrete flooring.

Moving forward, cement backer board provides a cement- (or concrete-) like base for tiles in projects that have plywood or OSB substrate. And if you already have a concrete subfloor, there is no point using cement backer board on that.

However, if there are issues with the concrete flooring – such as if it is not perfectly level or has craters and bulges on it – then you can consider using cement boards in your tile project with concrete subfloor.

Here are a few typical instances when you can use cement backer boards on concrete surfaces –

  • If the concrete subfloor does not provide a solid base for tile installation
  • If it is a pained concrete surface

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