How To Get Rid Of Rust Stains From Vinyl Flooring

Rusting and rust stains are unlikely on vinyl tile flooring. But there are times when you may notice rust stains and this blog gives you tips on how to remove them from your vinyl flooring. Check out the following pointers – 

  • Mild Chemicals such as oxalic acid can help you remove rusting from your vinyl flooring quickly. Spray it (or if you have it in powdered form, sprinkle it and spray some water) over the stained areas on your floor. It will react and remove the stains. Just wash or wipe the area with a clean dry cloth. And you are ready to use the floor again.
  • Baking soda, one of the essential ingredients in your kitchen, can also help you do away the rust stains from your vinyl flooring. Make a thick paste with baking soda and water (or vinegar). Apply this paste over the stains and wait for 30 minutes. It will pick the color of rusting from your vinyl flooring and leave them stain free.
  • Last but not the least, salt and lemon juice can also help you with rust stain removal. All you have to do is to prepare a thick mixture of both the ingredients and spray or apply it over the stains. Let it sit there for about an hour or two, before wiping it with the help of a wet sponge. This shall remove rust stains from your vinyl tile flooring without having a professional do it.

If you want to replace your existing flooring and buy vinyl tiles, consider, one of the largest tile shops in US.
