Best Practices to Remove Rusting from Highland Park Ceramic Tile Grout Lines

Highland Park ceramic tiles are an exclusive ceramic tile range available at, one of the largest online tile shops in US. The premium tile renders truly classic styling for your indoor spaces. The tiles featuring weathered hues of intricate glazing give your ambiance a subtle beauty and an oomph feeling.

Rusting -

However, all that is achievable only when the Highland Park ceramic walls and floors are cleaned and maintained routinely. Due to improper cleaning and maintenance, you may notice rusting or red or black stains on grout lines and joints.

In this blog, we will learn some of tricks to remove rust stains from the grout lines on your Highland Park ceramic tiles. Check out the following –

  • Apply or spray neat hydrogen peroxide on the rusting on the grout lines.
  • Although hydrogen peroxide is a safe agent for your tile, do not apply or spray it all over the tiles or grout lines.
  • Now, rub the rust stain using an old toothbrush.
  • This should remove different types of mild and strong rust stains from grout lines.
If that doesn’t work, try this –
  • Prepare a thick paste using borax and lemon juice.
  • Take ½ cup borax or boric acid and 1 cup of lemon juice or vinegar to prepare a paste of thick consistence.
  • Put this paste on the stain with the help of a toothbrush.
  • Let the paste dry.
  • And then, wash, rinse, and dry the tile surface.
  • This will take out most (if not all) part of the stain.
  • Repeat if required.

Looking to buy Highland Park Ceramic Tile for your next project? Visit here - And browse through’s entire collection of ceramic tiles here -
