This is the Proper Way to Clean Soiled & Greasy Grout Lines

If left unclean for days, the grout lines on your tiled surfaces turn mucky and greasy. It is that situation that calls for a special approach of cleaning. This blog underlines a stepwise guide to clean soiled and greasy grout lines. Check out the following pointers –
  1. Use a pH neutral cleansing solution to wash tainted grout lines. Check the labels of cleansers available at your home, you might find a pH neutral solution at home. Mix it well as per the directions on the label.
  2. If you do not have the cleanser at home, get it from a cleaning supplies store. You can prepare it as well using a couple of ingredients available in your kitchen. Mix 1 cupfuls of each - clean white vinegar and boiling hot water. You could also pour in a few drops of liquid detergent in it. Take this solution into a spray bottle.
  3. Now, prepare a thick, glue-like paste using baking soda and water. (Use hydrogen peroxide in place of water, for enhanced effects. However, use H2O2 only if the color of tiles is white or creamy.)
  4. Use an old toothbrush to apply the paste over the grout lines.
  5. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes.
  6. Now, spray the vinegar solution over the paste and grout lines, and rub with the toothbrush.
  7. Wash and rinse after cleaning.
  8. Repeat the process if required.
If this doesn’t work, you might use a oxygen bleach to pick all the stains and grease off your grout lines.

There you have it. This is how you can clean dirtied, soiled, and greasy grout lines.

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