Do You Know These Facts about Ceramic and Porcelain Tiles? (Part 2)

In our previous blog, we learned that the ceramic and porcelain tiles are manufactured at different process temperatures and have different thickness. In this blog, we are move ahead, and talk about two more facts, that I think, you probably didn’t know about.

Check out the following pointers –

Same Quality Glazing

Although the manufacturing temperature of ceramic and porcelain tiles is different, the glaze – the surface finish – applied on them is same.

However, porcelain tiles can also be available without any glaze. Many tile shops offer dedicated range of unglazed tiles. Unglazed porcelain tiles are heavy-duty tiles that make a great choice for commercial applications.

Wall Vs Floor Tiles

Since ceramic tiles are not as strong as porcelain tiles, they do not seem an ideal choice for heavy-traffic and commercial floor applications. But you can definitely use ceramic tiles for walls in commercial and residential applications.

In low traffic areas also, ceramic tiles can be a fit.

However, porcelain tiles are truly versatile. These tiles can be used for floors, walls, interests, borders, accents, backsplashes, and many other purposes.

To end with, we will talk about a similarity. Both ceramic and porcelain tiles are low on maintenance, and do not require you to deliver strict and frequent cleaning and maintenance. 

Looking to buy ceramic-porcelain tiles? Visit, one of the largest online tile shops offering best deals on stones and tiles in US.
