7 Best Practices For Vinyl Tile Maintenance

Vinyl tiles for flooring are gaining popularity. One of the most accepted facts behind this is that, vinyl floor surfaces are low on maintenance and super easy to install. In addition to that, vinyl tiles are available in a large array of designs, patterns and application suitability options.

If you are concerned over the maintenance of your vinyl tiles, this blog enunciates some of the best practices for maintenance –
  1. Place a doormat to lessen the presence of dust on flooring. If there are long-staying dust particles, they might damage the tile surface. 
  2. Remove dust and dirt frequently. Do not let the dust and other kinds of debris stay on the floor surface for too long. Use a broom or run a vacuum cleaner to remove dust off your floor. 
  3. Use shampoo to rub and shine up your vinyl flooring. Mix some shampoo in a gallon of water, dip a clean towel in this mixture and rub the towel on the floor to see it shine like a new one. 
  4. Clean the spills and drops immediately. 
  5. Wet mop your vinyl flooring every day. 
  6. For deeper cleaning, use “vinyl only” cleanser. Read the instructions on the packing of the product, because there are quite a lot of products and each one has slightly different method of application. Repeat this exercise once every week or twice every month, as required. 
  7. Do not clean with water most often. Check with your tile manufacturer whether your vinyl tiles are safe for cleaning with water. 
Want to buy vinyl tiles for the flooring of your home? Visit WallAndTile.com to get best prices in the United States. We ensure fast delivery across the country. Call (844) 538-1430 for more info!
