How To Shine Up Ceramic Tiles in Bathroom

Ceramic tiles are sold with a promise of shine and stain resistance. That’s true. These tiles are all about shine and stain resistance. However, when there is an exposure to soap foam, water deposits, and mold development, even ceramic surface starts looking dirty. Due to long-drawn-out exposure, the stain on the ceramic floor tile becomes rigid and hard to clean. 

This blog offers some of the best practices to clean and get back the shine of ceramic tiles in bathroom –

Wash With Soda-Based Detergent –

You can easily wash soap scum with the help of a soda rich detergent. To make this solution more effective, mix half cup detergent and 2 tablespoon powered rock abrasive in a cup of hot water. Apply this mixture on the stain and rub over with a brush or sponge. Rinse.

Vinegar –

If you see mold and mildew development on your bathroom tiles, using vinegar can help clean the surface. Take vinegar in cup. Apply and rub it over the stain with the help of an old toothbrush. Let it dry. Repeat the exercise once again. Rinse with cold water.

You can also use hydrogen peroxide in place of vinegar.

To Shine Up Your Bathroom Tiles –

Use soda water or club soda. Apply or wipe the soda on the tiles. It will give your bathroom tiles an eye-catching shine.

Looking for ceramic tiles for bathroom? has the largest collection of stones, tiles and related accessories for your bathroom. Visit now!
