Use These Tips To Shine Up An Old, Dirty Marble Floor

Arabescato Carrara 6X12 Polished

Marble stone is available in a wide variety of natural colors and patterns. There are not new to the human civilization.But when a marble floor gets old, it gets dirty. The reason why marble floors get stains very easily is that it has porous surface. Its small pores become home to dust particles, grease, and other pollutants giving us a great deal of inconvenience at the time of cleaning.

How To Clean Old, Stained Marble Floor Tile?

Baking Soda!

Did you know baking soda, an important ingredient in many food items you cook and bake in your kitchen can wash away the stains from your marble floor? Yes, it can!

Mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda in 1 liter warm water along with 1 spoon of dish washing liquid.Remember this proportion.

Apply this mixture all over the floor.And allow it to rest therefor half an hour.

Now be ready to work really hard.

Take a soft brush and a non-abrasive sponge. And, rub over the spots.Keep a bucket of water with you.Use mixture and water wherever needed. Change the water and mixture when they turn dirty.

Removing The Spots

Take a cupful of diatomite plaster or powder.Add water to it while stirring continuously until it become something like cake batter.

Apply this batter over the stained areas of the floor while the floor and that area is wet after the aforementioned exercise. Cover each spot with plastic sheet. Tape the edges of the sheet. Leave for 2 days.

After 2 days, wash and wipe the floor again.

Use an effective marble-only sealant from a trusted manufacturer.Follow the directions given on the packing.

Looking to remove your old marble flooring? Check out here for the widest range of marble floor tiles!
